Heirs Togther: Applying the Biblical Principle of Mutual Submission in Your Marriage
by Patricia Gundry
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Named by Eternity Magazine as one of the top 25 books of the year
ISBN 1-882169-02-6, paperback, 200 pages, $12.95
The most widely read of Pat's books, this one is a favorite of pastors and others who routinely give it to couples about to be married.
"Ten years ago as a young woman planning marriage, I looked on every church bookshelf and in every Christian bookstore for this book, but it wasnt there. Now that it has been written, I urge pastors and Christian leaders to make sure Heirs Together is available to those who are searching." Christianity Today
"In a time when so many evangelicals seem trapped in chain-of-command thinking about marriage, Heirs together provides a biblical alternative. Gently--but persuasively--Patricia Gundry unfolds the biblical case for equality and mutuality in marriage. Down-to-earth, but always close to the Bible, this book deserves careful reading and discussion." James H. Olthuis
"Heirs Together is as well-written, thoroughly researched book on mutual submission in marriage. It is designed to be meaningful to any persons serious about using biblical principles to decide what their marriage should be like...The authors biblical and logical presentation, as well as her spirit, make this a book to be shared with others." Daughters of Sarah
Heirs Together goes beyond discussing the issues; it offers solutions for the marriage problems that we all face--dividing responsibilities, making decisions, setting goals, fighting constructively. I hope it helps you as much as it has me. RENOVARE Perspective